Saturday, May 14, 2011


I wrote a bunch of poems at school, and my mom liked them. So now I am putting them on my blog.

This is a diamonte poem, which is supposed to be shaped like a diamond.

                                                         bright, joyful
                                                  inviting, blinding, glaring
                                              lamp      sun       night     caves
                                               scaring, frightening, haunting
                                                       evil, mysterious

My next poem is a limerick. It is a short but slightly humorous poem, entitled Woodstock.

Woodstock is a cute tiny pet,
    his favorite food is an omelette
that's why he is yellow,
he loves saying hello,
by far he is the best pet yet.  

This next poem is a "Who am I?" poem. It describes a person.

I'm delightful and musical and optimistic.
I read and giggle and talk.
I'm a person and bookworm and friend.
I sound like a mouse,
I move like a horse,
and look like a human.
I'm as quiet as a rabbit,
and sweet as a kitten.
I wait for better technology.
I long for a pet dog.
I hope for superpowers.
I dream of flying.

My name is Christine.

Now this is my favorite! It is a definition poem about Snoopy!

Who is Snoopy?
   Snoopy is extremely lovable
and perfect in every way.
   Snoopy is a loyal and honest
little apprentice
       of anyone he comes upon.
   Snoopy is delightfully kind
and very generous
       faithful at all times.
   Snoopy is confidence for me
pride for all
      and compassionately loved.
   Snoopy is like peace
and joy
      and always like happiness.
  Snoopy is an adorable character.

  That is Snoopy.

This next poem is a bio poem about me.

musical, joyous, innocent, cautious
relative of Jasmine
lover of swimming, reading, my stuffed donkey
who feels puzzled, content, admired
who needs books, friends, family
who gives happiness, information, smiles
who fears war, aliens, sharks
who would like to see polar bears, Paris, outer space
resident of Lancaster

Now I have a poem called "If I Were in Charge of the World"! Would you like to live in my world? Comment below!

If I were in charge of the world
I'd cancel homework,
heavy metal, and also ticks.

If I were in charge of the world
there'd be flying donkeys,
infinity dollar bills, and
talking bunnies and chickens.

If I were in charge of the world
You wouldn't have death.
You wouldn't have bedtimes.
You wouldn't have the flu.
Or "Leave your sister alone."
You wouldn't even have to be annoyed.

If I were in charge of the world
a hot fudge sundae would be a veggie,
all letters would be G,
and a person who sometimes forgot to brush her hair,
and sometimes forgot not to stare,
would still be allowed to be
in charge of the world.

I posted another poem already which is a place poem about the Bahamas. So you can look through my posts and find it. But now I'll introduce a recipe poem. This is a recipe poem for a garden.

Fresh carrots and strong fertilizer,
colorful flowers and flowing water,
delicious green beans,
and plants that are growing.

Bright sunshine and bursting peppers,
soil that will not harden,
worms that are squirming,
will make a wonderful garden.

  I hope you enjoyed my poems!!