Tuesday, February 26, 2013

More Poems!

Yes, I know, this is a really awkward post, smacked in between my posts about Puerto Rico. But that's too bad, because if I don't do it now, I'll forget. Yes, I am that forgetful. Live with it.

Poems I wrote in school for homework, some might be bad, but, hey! I'm not a poet!

I have 3 haikus...

A young bluebird chirps,
light peeks from behind the clouds,
the morning has come.

(I didn't write this one, I found it)
Five syllables here,
and seven syllables here,
and five more, happy?

I stared at the cat,
and so it stared back at me,
but soon- I was alone.

And 3 limericks, and no, I'm not a funny person, so, don't criticize these too badly, okay?

There once was a student named Joyie,
one day she got stuck in a tree,
she cried for some help,
with a loud high-pitched yelp,
but she was heard only by a bee.

There once was a cow named Balloon,
he wanted to jump over the moon,
his equipment was sound,
but he stayed on the ground,
he sighed saying, "I'll try again soon!"

There once was an orange named Green,
and all the fruit were being so mean,
laughing behind its back,
but when they became a snack,
the last one to laugh became Green.

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